AGRI.FIN.EURO is born as conceives in the September of the 1997 following the exit of the agrarian experts Christian Rovetto and Davide Piacenza from the Osella Study of Chivasso (TO), but it sees the really consolidation as legal form of a Technical Study Associate two years after, in the July of the 1999. In February 2011, the path of continuous growth leads to the transformation of the legal form into a LTD while keeping the social structure, but in fact expands the range of services offered.
The first centers has been the two rooms of Baldissero (TO) and of Chivasso (TO), but well lend amplification demands has allowed the moves in the offices of Caluso (TO) of away Micheletti first and of away Bettoia Colonel then, where currently finds the operational center of the society. Today the locals disposes of the more advanced technology to guarantee a rapid and efficient service even to distance, it comes lent continues and particular attention to the work environment, to the implementation again systematize computer and of communication without however remove from the human relationship direct that from always consider irreplaceable value added to the unrolled profession. From the beginning the efforts have stated assemble on the far to know the competences of the AGRI.FIN.EURO in the Piedmontese areas with a mostly developed agricultural system, Cuneo and Torino, force broadly repaid from the trust that the firms of this territories have set in the our comparisons from at once.
Subsequently the areale of intervention has stated widened to the provinces of Alessandria, Biella, Novara, Vercelli, Verona and Vicenza. The offered services, at first limited to the consultation on the facilitated finance have gone increasing in the course of the years, placing side by side that on the building sector, on the food safety and on the guardianship of the environment of life and of the territory. Now at ten of distance from the beginning of the adventure is rightful takes an oath point of the situation, does has succeeded to do and like new challenges attend for the future. The demands of the agriculture, so as that of every productive sector, they follow the express evolve of the society, and so after have crossed two rural development plans, the 1994/1999 and the 2000/2006 are of gone into fact the epoch of the Rural Development Programme 2007/2013 that as it promised has new imported and important changes. The more remarkable novelty is what see mostly involved in the evolution of single every firm with the intervention as Center of Agricultural Assistance, following which are of compared fact to an office of the public administration on the territory for the management of the business issue generally and to that of all the questions of integration to the income let alone of business development in particular.
The perspectives are all added that of years of great appointment but, are some, even of notable professional and personal satisfactions, that will share with all those people will think fit for the installation of a relationship of collaboration.
The Direction |