If the "made in Italy " is by now a consolidate, recognized and envied brand successful even among the agroindustrial products is because the consumers recognize it peculiarity that appreciable tastes and production genuineness.
Concept that, as by now well you known, has to see involved all the actors of the system to the end to offer to the consumer a quality product, sure for the health, diversified, to satisfactory price and distributed in effective and capillary way. From the 2000, year when comes published the White Paper on the Food Safety the Presidency of the European Errand enacts as the politics of the food safety must be based oneself on a complete and integrated approach, developed on the whole die: "give fields to planks over you", regulation that the following Rule CE n. 178/2002 has made obligatory from 01 January 2005 through the implementation of a system retracing completely the operators of the agroindustrial sector.
AGRI.FIN.EURO helps the firms that need apply a obligatory tracing and retracing system or to implement a system of voluntary certification on an ample range of standards, that:
- BRC;
- IFS;
- EPD;
- UNI ISO EN 9001 - Quality management system;
- UNI ISO EN 14001 - Environmental management system
- UNI ISO EN 22000 - Food safety management;
- UNI ISO EN 22005 - Traceability.